Many people are leading busy and often stressful life with many demands and challenges.
Some of us spend time thinking and regretting the past. Some of us constantly worry about the future.
Many are still feeling the after effects of the pandemic and for some life has changes drastically.
Mindfulness can help people be in the present moment. Bringing complete attention to present moment can enable us to see life's challenges from a different perspective. It can help us to slow down and stop. The present is all we have, the past has gone and the future is not yet here.
Mindfulness is not an escape, instead it helps to pay full attention moment by moment experiences, whatever they are. Thoughts, feelings, and body sensations are observed and explored with curiosity, with acceptance and kindness and without judgement.
Mindfulness is a way of increasing self-awareness in order to live more fully and to respond to situations with choice rather than reacting automatically. Mindfulness go back thousands of years. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction in present form has been practiced for over40 years and its health benefits are widely researched and accepted. It is used to treat a wide variety of physical and mental health problems.
Mindfulness practice can help to reduce distress, build resilience, enable faster recovery from negative experience, improve concentration and increase the general sense of well-being.
It encourages kindness, letting go of judgement. It teaches participants to accept themselves as they are.
Suffolk Mindfulness offers Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) courses on. They are led by Seija Tattersall MA MBACP(Acc), a qualified mindfulness teacher.

For further details contact Seija Tattersall by phone or email.
Tel. 07986 541 385
Facebook: Suffolk Mindfulness
UK network for Mindfulness-Based Teacher Training Organisations